Part 1: Welcome to the World of Tonal Shifts
Part 1: Welcome to the World of Tonal Shifts
Okay, NOW is my LP of Pokemon Shuffle! The game is basically finished after all.

jk, now that we've had the entrée in Colosseum, it's time for the main course in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.

Like for Wes, I'll be using a preset name for Michael. So David it is, I guess.

You should probably watch the opening. Why?

It's pretty mysterious.

Now this how you start a game! Interesting choice to have a Salamence as our starter, but we're picking right off where the last game finished in terms of level curve, so this should be a lot of fun. We're even fighting in the Orre Colosseum! Told you you'd see it soon.

Though it's been about, uh, 5 years since I last battled, so I'm a bit rusty. This Metagross only has Sludge Bomb, so it'll take 3 turns to knock you out. Unless it gets the Poison chance, in which case it's 2.

You can already see some neat differences from Colosseum, text stays on screen longer, so in some cases I can get both of these on screen. Though since I'm a sucker for the money shot, you'll be seeing more of the second image than the first. Most of the move animations have been changed and the game engine is completely different, so things are SO MUCH SMOOTHER. Pretty easy first battle too.

Oh wait, it appears this is an LP of the Matrix.

Okay so maybe we don't start off with a Salamence, but who cares, we can save whenever we want! Already this game is 100% better than Colosseum, good gravy.

It looks like this game is still full of double battles, but we only have one Pokemon? How's that gonna work in a region with no wild Pokemon?

Eevee's model always throws me off, since it was very uncommon in the Stadium games. It's, well, an Eevee. You can probably guess what we'll be doing with it soon, since it's pretty naff at this stage. Serious is +Spd -Spd, so it's not as impressive as a Modest Espeon, but really what is?

Unlike Colosseum we don't even start with any items. We're not shortly after the second badge like in the previous game, this is definitely before the first badge.

I can't believe my dad is fucking dead. This lab is pretty big compared to previous regional professors, but we'll explore it in a moment.

fuck you mum, you're not my real dad!!!

Okay then mum!

Already we've had more dialogue than the entire first update of Colosseum. And there's still plenty to go. The Pokemon HQ Lab has two floors, but is split down the middle, making it four separate sections. There's not much to go over, but we'll see if there's anything in each room. We're on the right side at the moment.

This room doesn't look very important, but it does have a PC. We should sa- oh wait, we don't need to. Hehe.

No Potion for whatever reason, but we've now got 8 boxes! That's quite the step up, though we barely filled two boxes then, so it might be the same this time around.

The outside area is really nice. Uh, are we even in Orre anymore?

Well we can't go anywhere else right now, so maybe we aren't, a little bit of desert in the corner doesn't mean anything.

Hmm, we must be, the item boxes remain pretty generous.

Into the left side.

Yet again, a Plusle with no Minun. These games are weird.

While we can't choose an email notification noise, all we need to do is press A.

And we go straight to it, instead of menuing to it. There's a lot more emails in this game, so this is handy. It's the little things!

Sounds annoying, we'll come back to this later.

Only one area of this lab we haven't visited. I'm sure Jovi is there sitting nice and quietly.

Damn, well at least it's not far.

Now you're it!

I agree, unexplained abnormal powers are definitely not a thing in this world.

And now we've gone full circle. Wasn't that fun?

Oh yeah, we've got this thing again. It's basically the same as Colosseum, except we don't start with the Snag List, since there's no more Shadow Pokemon anymore, but we do start with the Strategy Memo.

It's identical, and no, I'm not going to fill it, I'm only going to be catching every Pokemon you can obtain in this game like usual.

New to the memo is the matchup tab. Also displays the abilities a Pokemon can have. Neat!

Before we go stop our little sister roaming the countryside by herself and visiting strange mansions, we've got time for some VR battles, right?

These are incredibly simple tutorial battles just in case this is somehow your first Pokemon game. Though it does show the difference between this game and Colosseum with their relative difficulties.

Let's show off the first one.

Jack in.

There's a few of these (optional) battles in the game and it's a huge shame that from the battle initiating transition to sending out Pokemon, it takes TWENTY FOUR SECONDS. It's a bit excessive and I really wish you could skip it in some way.

Some of these Battle Sims are pretty fun, since there's some weird scenarios the designers came up with.

It's a simple gimmick, keep healing various status until Paras faints from Burn, since you can do literally nothing else. Good thing we have BURN HEAL!

It's best to be put to sleep, since it's quicker than the attack animation of Splash, which you still can't turn off. In these battles the Call option is replaced by Give In, so no free Awakenings!

Oh yeah, every trainer now has a full defeat animation, instead of the pose they had. No I'm not going to gif them. But if we encounter a trainer class enough I'll screenshot each part so eventually you can make a flipbook out of them. Aren't I nice?

There's absolutely no reason to do the remaining tutorial battles, you don't get anything for it. Which is why I did all of them in a separate post. Because I can do what I want in my LPs and cover stuff you thought wasn't important and then not cover the important stuff cause that's how I roll.


Oh hey, our first actual proper battle! Now, let's get it out of the way, this battle music isn't as good as the one from Colosseum, but when you've made perfection, how could you beat it? I really like this tune though, it's different and that's what counts!

We're still in the very early game, so everything's reset back to being piss easy. Such is the life of playing an RPG series for children over and over again.

Alright, let's finally get out of here! Our wild adventure awaits us, so let's hop on our ride and get ready for some muscle pounding action!!!

...I miss Wes.

Well this is different. I didn't even know dark clouds existed in Orre.

Oh great, this place is haunted, too.

Well it's no Zigzagoon, that's for sure. Oh yeah, you're seeing me jump between official XD artwork, XD headshots made by a defunct site and Colosseum headshots. Getting everything I need for this game is... inconsistent at best since there's been no model rips for the most part. We're gonna see quite a ride in image quality, let me tell you.

Dunno why everything is so much weaker than us, just because we don't start at level 5 doesn't mean that everyone else has to.

...uh, no? It's really not far, I have a scooter and I can see the Lab from here!

Alright, time to get my transcribing hands ready, cause I'm going over every one of Dr. Kaminko's inventions. Here. The update is wordy enough as is, sheesh.

Let's welcome our companion for this game, our little sister! Everyone loves Jovi, she's more important than Rui ever was! ...we regret to inform you that Jovi refers to herself in the third person.

Ah finally, a screenshot that isn't a text box. I'd forgotten what they looked like.

She's definitely a little sister, I have one of those and she is plenty, so no more of Jovi, please.

This place is 2spooky.

Ah, just kidding, Jovi is only a temporary companion.

He said he was working on something, but he never said what.

Ooh, I always wondered what happened if we snagged a human. SCIENCE BITCH!

We're a cyborg now, hell yeah.

Alright, now our P*DA is up to par of the previous game. Though we need some actual Shadow Pokemon to find first. Not like they're just on random trainers, right?

Hey, we get Pokeballs pretty early. But still no Shadow Pokemon to use them on. What a shame.

I don't think he walked up to the lift, is he going the long way?

I leave him alone for two seconds!

I hope this guy is weak and partakes in a single battle, since I'm super weak right now with only one Pokemon.

Okay good, he's a pushover. But man, I feel like we've done this plenty of times already...

Alrighty boss.

Like Makuhita, this Teddiursa is a free catch.

...I can't believe Professor Krane is fucking dead.